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Switch aggregators & solve your broker problems today!

If you’re feeling dissatisfied with your current aggregator, it’s time to look at all your options, for the sake of your business!

Join an award-winning aggregator – we’re recognised as industry leaders!

Unlike most aggregators, we provide a high touch aggregation model with a suite of services, giving you full comprehensive support so you can focus on your business.

Are you looking for an aggregation partner that works harder for you?
We’re here to help you every step of the way.

Gain access to a personalised service with:

Switch aggregators & solve your broker problems today!

If you’re feeling dissatisfied with your current aggregator, it’s time to look at all your options, for the sake of your business!

Join an award-winning aggregator – we’re recognised as industry leaders!

Unlike most aggregators, we provide a high touch aggregation model with a suite of services, giving you full comprehensive support so you can focus on your business.

Are you looking for an aggregation partner that works harder for you?
We’re here to help you every step of the way.

Gain access to a personalised service with:

Why switch aggregators?

Are you looking for an aggregation partner that gives you access to a large lender panel?

Do you want access to a sophisticated broker CRM system, broker platforms and software?

Do you need an aggregator who provides round the clock support?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then it’s the time to switch aggregators to Buyers Choice Aggregation.

If you’re looking for an aggregator who’ll provide you with full comprehensive support and back you all the way, then Buyers Choice is the right partner for you.

We go above and beyond for our mortgage brokers, giving you all the tools and support needed to be a successful business owner in the mortgage and finance industry. Our supportive executive team of finance industry experts will back you all the way and even help you battle it out with the banks if necessary. Can you say your aggregator does the same?

You might have just started your own brokerage or maybe you’ve been a broker for a while and are looking to upscale your business. Or you might be considering changing careers to become a broker; either way, our broker business model is designed to help you become an experienced and successful broking advisor.

Want a sophisticated
broker system &

Want an aggregator
with access to a
large lender panel?

Want an aggregator
who provides round
the clock support?

Time to switch to
Buyers Choice

How important is your aggregation partner?

Choosing a finance aggregator may feel like an easy task but as a business owner of a mortgage brokerage, it’s one of the biggest and most important decisions you’ll make.

Starting your own business in the finance industry takes a lot of time and effort and it’s important to align yourself with an aggregation partner who can help you become a successful broker and build the business you want.

It’s also important to re-evaluate your aggregation partner from time to time, ensuring your aggregator is fulfilling your business needs every step of the way.

When choosing aggregators, you must ask yourself, “what are the tools and support you need to run a successful brokerage?” This will help you choose the aggregator that’s the right fit for you.

Choosing an aggregator - Bigger isn’t always better!

Some brokers want an aggregation partner that offers a more personalised service. Some want access to a large lender panel. At Buyers Choice Aggregation, we provide our brokers with access to more than 60+ lenders.

Our aggregation business is built by brokers for brokers, providing a secure, low cost, efficient and comprehensive business operating platform, delivering support and guidance.

Our national network of mortgage brokers partner with Buyers Choice Aggregation, so they can access the full suite of services wanted by successful brokerage business owners.

Kickstart your brokerage business today and become a broker with us!
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Take control - Become a broker success

Switching aggregators to Buyers Choice Aggregation can help you take full control of your business success.

We specialise in helping brokers establish businesses which generate strong and growing incomes.

With Buyers Choice Aggregation, you’ll benefit from our cost-effective service, years of experience and proven business practises.

Whether you’re a new broker, or you’re already an established business owner; you’ll get the tools, experience, and support to help grow your business and achieve your professional goals.

If you feel you’re not getting the support you need from your current aggregator, it’s time to switch aggregators.

How do I switch aggregators?

It’s easy! Get in touch with the Buyers Choice Aggregation team who’ll simply walk you through the process.

If you’re not sure switching aggregators is the right decision for your business, our team are here to help you discuss your business and broker needs first.

Submit your details below and we’ll get in touch and make switching aggregators as smooth and seamless as possible.

I want to switch aggregators
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Our brokers are industry leaders

As a Buyers Choice mortgage broker, you’ll be part of a nationally recognised and
award-winning team.
Feel empowered to grow your business with:
In aggregation, bigger isn’t always better. Our members are self-employed business owners forging their own path with the connection and support of a collective, collaborative community.
Sean Reid, Managing Director

Your business, your rewards!

Unlike other mortgage broker business models, our aggregation services give you freedom, flexibility, and ownership over your business.

Bring your business to life with the guidance and support you need. You get full access to our proven systems, processes and team of experts.
Nurture customer relationships via our specialised broker platform. Our market leading software uses innovative technology and user-friendly design to keep client management and loan lodgement simple.

Our extensive panel of residential and commercial lenders gives you access to more lending options, so you can match your clients with the finance solution that’s right for them.

Reach your potential

Switch aggregators and stay ahead of your broker competitors with ongoing access to the latest training and professional development.

Access to:

Our mortgage broker community

Our brokers operate with a commitment to great customer service and the flexibility to do business on their own terms.

They’re supported with ongoing:

And have the ability to:


If you’re already a broker and are considering switching aggregators, this FREE GUIDE provides everything you need to know about our services, commission structure and business pricing. Want to know more? We’re always here to discuss your needs.

Find out:

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Got Questions?

We’re here to help. Book a 1:1 with our team to discover how you can switch aggregators and join an award-winning aggregation business.

We’ll get you on the right path for success and discuss all you need to know:

We’ll run you through everything, from educational and training requirements to business set up costs, chat to us today!
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