The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Home loan price inquiry interim report focuses on findings about the pricing of the big four banks’ home loans during the period 1 January 2019 to 31 October 2019. A key driver for the production of the report is lack of price transparency by these banks for the variable rates delivered that makes it difficult for consumers to compare home loans.
Brokers have for years been familiar with the gap between the major banks headline rates and request pricing discounts on every loan.
The report noted:
By refinancing to a new loan or lender, customers with an existing loan become customers with a new loan, and may benefit from the larger discounts that may not otherwise be available on an existing loan.
For borrowers that have been with their bank for more than five years, they on average pay 0.40 of a percentage point more than a new customer.
The ACCC Chairman Rod Sims encouraged borrowers to seek out a better deal for their home loan:
“It is worth ringing up your bank every year to get a better deal and it’s worth threatening to move or moving to another lender.”
“The longer you stay with the bank, the more you pay,” Mr Sims said. “For every $200,000 on your loan that 40 basis points is worth $850 a year so it really matters.”
“I’m not saying banks are doing anything wrong, but if you’re loyal to your bank you’re paying more than you need to.”
Mortgage broker customers are clear winners in home loan pricing.
Buyers Choice Managing Director Sean Reid recommends that mortgage borrowers should contact their mortgage broker:
“Speak with your mortgage broker about their loan review services and the steps they take to regularly contact banks on their client’s behalf to ensure the deepest interest rate discount is applied.”
The final report is scheduled to be provided to the Treasurer by 30 September 2020. It will examine impediments to home loan customers switching between lenders.
Established in 2001, the Buyers Choice Broker Network is an award-winning national boutique aggregator. We empower brokers to build a better business and match borrowers with the right loan solution to empower them to build a better life.
The Money Quest Group (MQG) is one of Australia’s leading boutique mortgage broking businesses, with a network of more than 600 brokers nationwide. Known for their exuberant culture and superior support, MQG provides brokers access to a range of financial products from more than 60 lending institutions and suppliers, and exclusive access to in-house benefits and services.
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