Complaints Process

If for any reason, you feel you haven’t received the highest standard of care from us, we encourage you to share this with us. We’ve developed a process that we believe makes it easy for you to tell us your concerns and for them to be addressed quickly and fairly.

You can contact us via email, mail or phone:

Troy Howell (Compliance Manager)
Buyers Choice
Phone: 1300 886 100
Mail: PO Box 263, Flinders Lane VIC 8009

Need an update on your complaint?

Once you’ve lodged a complaint, you can contact us to ask for an update on its status using the methods listed above. Please be sure to refer to your earlier communication so we can respond effectively.


We’ll try to respond to your complaint on the spot. However, if this isn’t possible, we’ll write to you to acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours. We’ll ensure we treat you fairly and will work to resolve your complaint as soon as possible. In the rare event we’re still investigating your complaint, after 30 days we’ll write to you to explain why and let you know when we expect to complete our investigation.

When we’ve completed our investigation we’ll write to you to let you know the outcome and the reasons for our decision.

Taking it further

If you don’t think we’ve resolved your complaint to your satisfaction you may take the matter to the relevant External Disputes Resolution Scheme as detailed below.

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
Phone: 1800 931 678
Mail: GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001

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